Thermo Scientific Vortex Mixer M16715Q
Thermo Scientific Vortex Mixer M16715Q
- Item(s) will typically ship within 1-3 business of cleared payment. There may be a delay in shipment if you have a bulk order, however If you need the Item (s) shipped faster please contact us and we will Send the item(s) as soon as possible.
- When shipping overseas, customs can delay packages by up to 6 weeks. This doesn't happen often, but it can happen.
- All free shipping will be via standard mail and only applies to the lower 48 states . Notify the us prior to making the purchase, if priority or first class mail is preferred and shipping address is not in the lower.
- Items are rechecked before shipping, if any issue does occur a replacement Item or a full refund will be giving based on after buyer has been contacted.
- Returns are accepted only if there is and error in the listing or the item is defective upon receipt ( note defect upon receipt does not apply to listings in which it has been stated that the item has not been tested or is sold as is ) and all defective item(s) must be reported within 3 days upon receiving the item(s) ( items with warranty will need to be reported within the warranty time frame ) and any product must be returned in the same condition it was received and in the original packaging.
- We do not refund shipping on returned items. Customer is responsible for the cost of shipping returned items
- Please do not return any item(s) without any authorization by us
- Any warranty provided applies only within the United States
Additional Policies and FAQs
Please Contact us first if there is any problems with the item, we will be more than willing to help resolve any issues .