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Use and Maintenance of Dental Equipment

Posted by Aideyan Ob ,Jul 15th 2019
Use and Maintenance of Dental Equipment

Dental equipment form the heart of dental practice. These equipment and devices are indispensable and are daily work tools for dentists, dental nurses, and other dental professionals.


Most of these devices are quite expensive and it is imperative for healthcare providers to adequately maintain them to ensure smooth workflow and huge ROIs. In addition, the risks associated with faulty dental equipment may lead to mortality, serious health complications, and even potential hazards to the dental team.



A number of factors should be considered in maintaining dental devices.


Product Quality

One way to minimize mechanical faults and defects of dental devices is by ensuring it was manufactured to high standards. Since 1998, it was passed into law that all medical devices must have the inscription “CE” on them to denote that it has been made to high standards of quality.

Therefore, when you want to purchase a new set of medical equipment, ensure this inscription is indicated on the devices.

Manufacturer Recommendations

Each medical equipment comes with a manufacturer’s manual which provides instructions for use and maintenance of the device. As simple as neglecting a single instruction could pose a risk to the dental staff and ultimately the patient.

In addition, if you don’t follow the instructions provided, you may invalidate the warranty conditions, leading to higher risk and higher cost in repairs and replacement.

Therefore you need to schedule regular maintenance dates for each device to keep them working at optimal performance.

Maintaining Various Dental Instruments

Dental devices are made using different materials and are powered differently. There are hand equipment, electrical equipment, and larger stationary devices each of which should be maintained differently according to expert advice.

Hand Equipment

Most hand devices such as probes, hand scalers, carvers, and excavators used in dental care require no more than regular cleaning or sterilization. However, when the instrument becomes blunt, you might be needing more than just cleaning. You will need the services of expert device maintenance team to get these sharpened to ensure optimal dental care for patients.

Suction Equipment

Regular cleaning and servicing will keep dental suction devices working properly. Efficient cleansing agents should be used to cleanse these devices and a specially trained technician should be sought for routine servicing. Electrical Equipment

Failure of the electrical devices such as imaging machines in a dental unit may paralyze patient care. Regular maintenance checks should be instituted with the help of expert medical device technicians to forestall such complications.

For example, the radiography machine and film processor should be routinely checked and its chemicals changed when due.


In addition, the dental team should be taught what signs to look out for in the equipment that might indicate an imminent functional defect. Abnormal sounds, lighting, and heat from the device should be noted and repair team informed promptly to avoid further damage.

Medical equipment, in general, requires specialized hands as are present in A Biomedical services. We have a team of highly trained technicians and engineers to provide your dental unit with quality routine maintenance plans and repairs of faulty machines at affordable rates.